

New York City
Skyline Chess (architects Ian Flood and Chris Prosser) used a Kickstarter campaign to develop a 3D-printed set of iconic NYC architecture pieces. Available in black, white or metal.

They started with a London version. So now the two cities can be battling each other.

This simple geometric set was designed in 1923–24 by Josef Hartwig. The form of each piece suggests how it can move on the board.

Packaging by Joost Schmidt.

World Chess
David Weil of Pentagram designed the World Championship Chess Set. The pieces are inspired by the friezes on the Parthenon. The set was first used at a tournament in 2013.

The new set is a development of the Staunton set (below) that has been standard since 1849, and referenced neoclassical elements.

Photograph by Bubba73.

It was part of a full redesign of every aspect of the World Chess Championship, including posters and an app to track the matches.