Claudia Weber recorded her Munich commuting delays in 2018 by knitting them into a scarf. Two rows for each day.
(On a good day, the trip takes 40 minutes.)
Gray: Delayed less than five minutes
Pink: Delayed five to 30 minutes
Red: Delayed over 30 minutes one-way, or delayed both ways.
The red strip was a six-and-a-half week period when the tracks were being replaced. During this upheaval, the ride took just under two hours each way. Generally, train delays have become an area of concern in Germany.

Journalist Sara Weber, Claudia’s daughter, revealed the project on Twitter nine days ago. https://bit.ly/2FzrRn8
The tweets generated a lot of interest, and that led to the scarf being auctioned on eBay for Bahnhofsmission, a charity that helps people in need at rail stations. The auction ended yesterday and raised an impressive 7,550 Euros ($8,675).