

Space master Felice Varini creates geometric images, in public spaces, that defy our visual logic. His team uses a projector and stencils to painstakingly put each distorted component in the correct place. When viewed from a precise position, it all locks together for a spectacular effect. This example was installed on the Grand Palais in Paris.

The same squares
A and B are identical. It’s all a matter of contrast.

Old favorite We all know this kind of image. Two faces or a white vase?

Strangely transfixing.

Not motion
 This is a static image. Where’s the Dramamine?

Dinner table
Everything appears to be sinking into the dining table with this completely flat placemat.

Illustrations that bend reality 
Below, by Robert Gonsalves.

An example of the very popular work of M.C. Escher.

Chalk artists know how to manipulate perspective. By Edgar Mueller.